Monday, November 20, 2017

Post 7 A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

Image result for social sciences

Write about your favorite subject this term. Among others, include:

> Name
> Describe what you do in classes
> Mention the main contents you have seen
> Explain why you like the subject

> Word Count: 180
> Make comments on 3 of your patners' posts + a comment on the teacher's post.

When I was at  university I really enjoyed studying American Literature because it was very interesting. We read a lot of the best authors from 20th century such as Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Thomas Wolfe, Flannery O'Connor and Faulkner. We had to write essays on their books and comment them in class. We had a very good professor who always brought new material to class and helped us out with our work. He was very smart and knew a lot about the subject. We saw the social and historical context of early and mid-century literature, we analyzed the motives and structure of their novels and short stories. I really enjoyed this course.


  1. hi teacher, what zup. good post, and Hemingway is such a good author

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I find it very interesting to study American literature!

  4. wouhhh, that subject seems really interesting


Level 3 >> Post 8 Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

Write about your experience using blogs in the English class. Say: > What you think about the experience in general > How much yo...