Wednesday, September 6, 2017


    Image result for record player

  • What it is. 
  • When you got it. 
  • How you use it. 
  • How often you use it. 
  • Give your opinion 
  • Why you like it. 
  • What life would be like without it 

  • - 130 words minimum.

    - Include a picture.

    - Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.


    My favorite piece of technology is my old record player. I know it sounds out of date, but there's nothing like listening to my vinyl records, which I have bought in several flea markets around Santiago, in true stereo mode. CDs and mp3a really don't cut it. The quality of the sound is far beneath analog. That's why I enjoy listening to music in my house rather than wearing earphones in the street. I'm planning on buying some big speakers soon, but they're a little expensive, so I'm still saving money to get them. Without my record player my life would be so much duller. I would have to listen to music on an Mp3 player which really is terrible for me. I wouldn't be able to listen to any vinyl records at all! Luckily, that's not the case.

    My newest record is an original The Who LP I bought online for just ten dollars. I can't wait to put it on!!

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